t: +44 (0)1608 810180   e: robstepney@outlook.com

2 Walcot Farm • Charlbury • OX7 3HJ • UK

Contributor to the health, science and travel pages
of broadsheet press including
The Guardian and
The Independent.

The past forty years have seen momentous changes in medicine. The chances of surviving breast cancer have doubled, and the risk of dying after a heart attack has halved. HIV infection has been transformed from a uniformly fatal condition into one with no impact on life expectancy.

 A Foreign Correspondent in Medicine (Walcot Books 2020) is a collection of articles written for national newspapers and the medical press, and takes a long view of recent medical history.

Contributor to BBC Radio 4's
From Our Own Correspondent:

Battle Lines
Listen here
(forward to 17.24)

Drawing Out The Story
Listen here (forward to 17.20)

Originator of the word vape?

When Oxford Dictionaries  made 'vape' their International Word Of The Year 2014, the earliest usage of the word that they could find was in Rob Stepney's article in New Society in 1983. Watch here.

Speaker for the Academic Archers – fans of the show with an academic interest. Watch here.

The Independent ...

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